Missing packages are never fun, and we apologize that it hasn’t arrived yet. We recommend checking your tracking info to see the status of your shipment (that tracking info should be in the shipping email you received). If there are any issues after you do that, please email us at help@picnicallergy.com, and we’ll do our best to track it down for you.
Just a quick note: It usually takes 3-5 business days after the order ships for it to arrive but in some circumstances, it can take a little longer. The Picnic Replacement Policy requires 10 business days to have elapsed between the date your medication was shipped and the date in which Picnic sends a replacement. We have noticed that USPS/UPS will mark or scan packages as delivered but won't actually deliver them until a few days later. If you still have not received your package by 10 business days after the shipment date, please email help@picnic allergy.com and we can request a replacement shipment.
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